Getting Started With SignalR Using ASP.NET Core And Angular : Part 2
This article is part of a series called Getting started with SignalR using ASP.NET Core
. In this article, we’ll learn how to get started step by step with SignalR using angular 5. At the time of writing article .NET Core 2.1 has been released.
This is part of series of post on SignalR using Angular5 and ASP.NET Core.
- Overview of New stack SIgnalR on ASPNET Core here : Part 1.
- Working with streaming data here.
- Working with Azure service here.
- Working with Xamarin here.
- Working with dynamic hubs here.
This article demonstrates the following tasks
- Creating Angular SignalR service.
- Creating SignalR Hub.
- Creating ChatRoom component.
You must have the following software.
- .NET Core 2.1.0 SDK or later.
- Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 or later with the ASP.NET and web development workload.
The source code is available at GitHub.
At the end of this article, you will be able to use SignalR in your project.
Why Angular
This is a hot and trending client-side JavaScript technology. It has many advantages over the client side. Everyone wants the combination of Angular and ASPNET Core so I’ve decided to do that.
If you want to upgrade your Angular application to the latest version. Upgrade guide
Let’s get started to kick off the demo. We are going to create new Angular SPA(Single Page Application) template project.
Create New Project : File –> New –> Project
Choose the template: You have to choose Angular SPA template.
.NETCore –> ASP.NET Core 2.1 – > Angular
You have created an Angular template project successfully.
SignalR Startup Configuration
You need to configure SignalR service in Configure Service Section and Map the hub in configure section. It automatically adds the SignalR reference for you.
Add SignalR service in Configure service method below.
Map the hub in Http pipeline in Configure method
app.UseSignalR(route =>
After Configuring SignalR in Startup. We need to install SignalR Javascript library using NPM Package Manager. Run the below command in Command Prompt
NPM Commands
NPM Init command
npm init -y
npm init to initialize or set the project npm package. -y | –yes to skip the questionnaire. |
Install NPM SignalR Package
npm install @aspnet/signalr
You have to run the above commands in Package manager console (Tools –> NuGet Package Manager –> Package Manager Console)
Creating SignalR Hub: to establish communication between client and server. You can call any client method via Hub and vice versa. I’m going to create a chathub class in a folder called ‘Hubs’. Add reference of SignalR namespace ‘Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR’ in ChatHub class.
public class ChatHub : Hub
public async Task SendMessage(ChatMessage message)
await Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", message);
Creating SignalR Angular Service: This service will take care of creating connection , starting connection and register ingthe server events to receive the messages. Create folder called ‘Services’.
ClientApp –> src –> app –> Services
Create a service typescript class file named ‘signalR.service.ts’. I’m using two model classes which are shown below.
I’d always prefer to create models/poco so let’s create ChatMessage and Tab models . Create a new folder called ‘Models’.
chatmessage.model.ts class : to contains the detail of chat message like message, room and user info.
tab.model.ts class to contains the detail of each tabs like heading, title and messages history
After creating angular signalR service, now I have to add providers in app module class. Just import the signalr service and supply to provider so that I can access it in the entire app.
Now I’m going to consume SignalR service into the home component which takes care of the UI like sent message and receive messages. By default, it’s creating two chat rooms, like Lobby and SignalR room, but you can create more rooms and you can fetch the room details from the server as well. It’s up to you, this is for demo purposes.
Demo Screen
The demo screens demonstrating Group chat examples. You can subscribe to multiple group and get the notifications.
Demo Screen 1
Demo Screen 2
Finally, we have completed the working Chat room demo with SignalR using ASPNET Core and Angular 5. Source code of this project is available @ Github, fork and you are free to play with it.
The source code @ Github
In this we have seen the working demo of a new signalR stack on ASPNET Core using Angular 5 SPA template, also we have seen Angular signalR service to communicate with the hub. This is for demonstration purposes only, you may modify as per your requirements. I hope you have enjoyed this article and don’t forgot to comment.